Good news and bad news. Bad news is that I’m not good at restful sleep, but the good news is I have a very active dream life. I’ve always experienced a lot of deja vu and stuff, but the last several years have gotten weird. More and more of it has been coming back to this side of consciousness with me, and I’m becoming more capable of navigating my dreams… Anyway. It’s hard to get to sleep and harder to stay asleep. This powder is effervescent in cold or warm water, and the specific fizzy tartness triggers that pavlovian “winding down for bedtime” yawn in our home.. Magnesium tenderly tells my nervous system to be cool and let me rest, so for the first half of the night I’m resting sound asleep and when I wake up, it is not with my heart racing with anxiety, which allows me to slip back under into a dream state where I’m shaping the architecture and my autonomy from first person. I have this Oura ring which tracks my sleep— my heart rate, temperature, how many times I wake up, how much time I’m spending in REM versus deep sleep— and I’m obsessed with that. Wait make this about Oura not Magnesium. Wait make it about sleep in general. don‘t make it about dreams you ain’t ready to know about that. But yeah I’ve been putting magnesium in my water.