if you aren’t already aware (??!) rxk nephew has been described as the most prolific rapper of our time, the post-trump era lil b, unhinged, chaotic etcetc basically he’s a genius. but also, he's a really lovely guy! a couple months ago, he reached out to me on twitter because a few of my tweets resonated with him, which i always appreciate but especially from an artist i respect. last weekend, i found out he was playing a show in brooklyn so i asked him for some list spots and he immediately got me in contact with his manager (who was also great). on the night of the show, his manager texted saying the whole crew was pulling up at lucien for dinner while my friends and i were enjoying drinks at a table outside. i truly believe everything happens for a reason, so that synchronicity only affirmed that the show was going to be incredible – and it was. honestly the most fun ive ever had at a show, the sound was crisp, the setlist was perfect, and neph and i took really cute pics together after. im really looking forward to his new releases and the next time he’s in new york.
Jun 30, 2022

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