I recently made the very (self-proclaimed) avant garde decision of leaving lower Manhattan and moving to midtown (k-town to be exact), and, while I know this may be shocking, I love it. The Empire State Building, while I have never technically visited nor entered her, is very fun to proclaim one’s residential proximity to. Walking outside, I am not at risk of running into anyone, and not because I live in a residential strollers-and-young-parents way, but because like, truly no one goes there without a work or errand related reason. All the loud, absurd, hectic New York you know, without the downtown overlappy social geography you (pretend to) hate.
Jun 16, 2022

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While it may be cool to be a Brooklyn or Queens kid and hate on Manhattan, I will tell you what, nothing quite fills my soul like taking the train into the city to literally walk around. Cross town, uptown, downtown, diagonal town. I love to peep streets, stroll a museum, wander into a coffee shop, talk to a stranger and fully romanticize living my damn big city life.
Sep 26, 2024
It was a big risk, but I was just laid off from a job I hated and had a fresh breakup on top of that. I had decent prospects as far as potential jobs go, but I wanted to stay in “the city” and I felt like I hit a ceiling in San Francisco. Plus, I’d lived there nearly my entire life. Thus, I had a suspicion that if I couldn’t be happy in New York City, then I wouldn't be happy anywhere. That was a little over six years ago now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. A LOT has happened here, and I’ve dealt with a ton of grief, but man, I love it here. I have a great job, made some real friends and community, and am living outwardly as my truest self. I’m sure I could’ve had this in SF if I tried, and I know that this lifestyle will change inevitably, but I love living in a place with an energy that emanates throughout the city.
Mar 6, 2024

Top Recs from @chloe-wise

I think this may be a suitable place to insert my focaccia recipe, seeing as I do get asked about it often*. Sourdough focaccia is so easy and great. I do 20% active levain, 75-80% hydration, 2% salt, which amounts to 200g levain, 750g water, 20g salt and 1000 g flour. I literally use AP flour, nothing fancy, but consider this my announcement that I would happily accept some cool fancy fricked up local flour if anyone wants to provide that to me. Anyway I stretch that stuff, I dimple it up, and boom, gorge focach. Disclaimer: one would be wise to wash ones hands when oscillating between oil painting and hand-kneading bread, but following my own advice is not my strong suit. *well, I offer it up verbally at the slightest mention of any carbohydrate, but let’s just say everyone’s always asking me, so this can feel as though I’m giving back to the bread community.
Jun 16, 2022
Honestly, it works great
Jun 16, 2022
I don’t know why this isn’t a more popular beverage, but a cold brew alcoholic splash into a nice glass of tonic will swiftly usurp the place in your mouth’s heart that’s been hitherto reserved for espresso martinis and/or Diet Coke.
Jun 16, 2022