So when you do all that traveling you may consider getting a subletter for your reasonably-priced studio. I’ve had a few good ones and a few that weren’t so great. This last time around, the candidate had a really nice anxiety in him and complimented my books, so I knew he would be a great choice. Well it was more than that; it was one of the best decisions of my life. He did things to my place that made it more convenient and more beautiful. He also left behind a bunch of vitamins/supplements that I now take (including Theanine and Ashwagandha and Vitamin C) and a bunch of frozen veggies, which I actually learned are the best veggies to cook with. Thank you!
Mar 10, 2022

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my partner and i were presented with the opportunity to move into a friend’s slightly larger and more amenitied apartment up the block, but we’d have to break our lease to do so lol listed our apartment on facebook marketplace to see if anyone was interested in signing the lease so we could move, essentially just putting out feelers and seeing what happened. did not expect to receive dozens upon dozens of messages! i scheduled tours and showed like six people around, all of whom were like where can i sign! and i called our landlord twice. met with the landlord of the new place and got the paperwork….. truly in the final steps…. only to get home and realize, you know what,,, we’re staying here! and it was literally such a relief to say it. did it take hundreds of messages from people begging for me to leave my apartment to truly viscerally process that i’ve got a good thing? perhaps! but i think it was more that i had been in a scarcity mindset of like, “when we move and i have more space i’ll be able to… make the art i want; really feel at home; feel more comfortable; etc.” and when i really dug into those feelings about it, i simply knew that my home right now presents a growth opportunity to work creatively with the space i have. didn’t want to admit to myself that i was in that space of forcing things because i initially just wanted to move so badly, i was literally bypassing my felt experience and like, true reactions. i also felt like it fell into our laps and was this once-in-a-lifetime thing. but really trying to now reinforce that a two bedroom w a dishwasher, balcony, and some bedrooms that look out onto the neighbors’ walls is not inimitable. and i want to approach this process from a space where im resourced and generally tranquil. so i’m happy and i’m not moving and im going to buy myself an $8 latte this morning to celebrate!!!!
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i love seeing the insides of other people’s homes! especially when no thought or effort was put into the staging ((but also very real it’s a slog that gives way to glimmers of rewards, if you have any leads slide into the dms 🙏))
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Top Recs from @eugene

Give the people you love a call, a hug, a kiss or simply a text telling them how great they are, when you feel down, confused, bored, exhausted or just find yourself doom scrolling. It makes everything better 💛
Mar 10, 2022
I guess this newsletter is partly about advising people on how to spend their money, which is not something I particularly love doing…but I will direct your attention to the war going on in Ukraine. Being from Ukraine, lots of people have asked me for context on what’s happening, but I don’t live there and don’t feel like an authority. Still what seems clear to me: Ukraine is the target of an aggressive invasion by the army of a madman who places no value on human life. The Ukrainian forces, including many civilians, are putting up an incredible fight from a defensive position. The country faces a terrible loss of life and infrastructure. The defenders will need as much support as they can get and civilians welcome all humanitarian aid. Here’s a good guide with vetted orgs, if you can help 💙THANK YOU💛 I hope with all my might this horror is over soon and that Ukrainians have peace for many generations.
Mar 10, 2022
Before this crisis, we had another one: the global pandemic. If you recall, everything shut down pretty much everywhere…which gave a few film lovers the chance to become film programmers. Using under-the-radar streaming services (like Twitch, but dodgier), several collectives started running daily movie streams. It was a refreshing alternative to going on Netflix/Hulu/Criteria and weighing the options for an hour. Instead of having to pick a movie, you just go to the URL and feast your eyes on the stream. The one I was most obsessed with was Cinephobe, but Cathode Cinema, Moviepassed and SpectacleNYC all gave me much-needed joy, as depression, despair and death colonized human consciousness. A few major discoveries were Golden Mouth, Brimstone and Treacle, Play Dirty and Scalpel. These programmers earn my gratitude and admiration. I think Cathode is the only one still going strong and I highly recommend you check it out.
Mar 10, 2022