Alice is my astrologer and the most important person in New York because she can look at your birth chart transits and tell you what to expect in the coming days, weeks, months, etc. When I first met Alice in June 2019 she told me I'd be in a new relationship that fall. I thought, “there’s no way I’m going to be in another relationship, I’m going to get back together with my ex boyfriend!” Much to my dismay, that September I was in a new relationship. Turns out, I was dating someone who Alice had also dated back in her days at Vogue. Ever since, we have been fast friends. Also: it’s easy to make friends with girls who have kissed the same boys as you, you can form a strong bond!
Oct 7, 2021

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alex and chloe and i recently came into each other's lives in a whirlwhind of slay, a perfect meeting that couldn’t be chance because i believe in God and divine timing. We are addicted to hanging out and having fun on a headier and more psychedelic level – and we know whatever we end up doing together shifts the culture for the better because the source is love. literally watch this space but also dont worry about it
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Guy 1: wore his long hair in a braid one day, danced just while goofing off and he somehow made it look super attractive (reader: he can barely dance), posted a photo of himself “snowboarding” down a volcano during winter break, recruited me for his short film project that involved several takes at the end of my character hugging his character 🙈 (we’re married now) Guy 2: wore a suit to a wedding (this man normally wore cargo shorts and tshirts he’d probably owned for a decade, which there’s nothing wrong with it was just a particularly stark difference lol) Guy 3: merely made silent eye contact a few moments longer than usual while smiling 🫠 Girl 1: longtime friend but hadn’t seen her face in a while due to long distance and her rarely posting pictures of herself anywhere—she sent me some selfies and i was dazzled ✨ Girl 2: already thought she was beautiful and interesting but had a real “oh no” moment when her eyes lit up as she spoke passionately about her favorite Victorian novel (also when she recalled exactly where an obscure quote from an academic journal had come from, inCLUDING the year of publication 🤯)
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She was in a band with someone who was in film class with me in high school. A couple years later, I saw her on Instagram. She posted about the Trueanon coverage of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and I dmed her to tell her members of the public could just go (I had attended prior). We exchanged dms back and forth and met for pizza a couple months later. I hinted at romantic interest via genuine enthusiasm about seeing her every following weekend. She hinted at it by suggesting we watch “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls” together. Moral of the story: your opening message must not just stand out, it must be truly bizarre.
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Top Recs from @grace-dougherty

I have a lot of hair, and I’m trying to grow it out as long as Lissie’s.  My hair can be temperamental, (I have a cowlick that has a mind of its own) a few drops of this stuff and my hair is not only tamed, but it smells amazing and people will hug you for longer. What’s not to love??
Oct 7, 2021
My first time ever visiting New York, I was 10 years old and had the pleasure of going to Dizzy’s at Lincoln Center with my father. I don’t remember how it happened but we somehow randomly met a photographer (?) who brought us backstage (everyone loves 10 year old girls) and directly to Mr. Marsalis. I had listened to jazz growing up, but this experience deepend my love for it. I had been keeping a *New York Journal* (pink with gold edged pages) and started writing a song (used to want to be a pop-star) called “New York is magnifasent.” Magnificent spelled horribly wrong. I brought the journal with me everywhere that weekend, so it was under my arm while meeting him. He ended up signing his autograph on the following page to which he wrote “Grace, New York is magnifasent” spelled wrong just like I had. 15 years later, he is not only one of the greats, but one of my favorites. I listen to his album Standard Time Vol. 2: Intimacy Calling all the time, I hope you will too.
Oct 7, 2021
Easily one of the five things I would take with me in a fire. This is the blouse for every occasion. I bought it for my birthday in 2020, approximately 1 week before the world decided to end (??), so it holds a lot of sentimental value. It’s easily dressed down (I like to wear it with the Nu Swim Moon shorts), but it’s most classically dressed up. Armani trousers from Chickee’s Vintage plus this perfectly structured blouse is heaven on earth to my eye.
Oct 7, 2021