takes the weight off the whole thing and I won't wonder if we are friends or if I'm leading anyone on or being presumptuous. I guess my favourite move would be if they did flirt subtly but then followed it up with a genuine hey-i-did-this-because-i-like-you.
So here are all the ways the genders have tried that I liked (but did not realise at the time) for research hahaha :-) Good luck for the novel!!
- Against a wall, hand up, leaning in
- Constantly offering the last bite of food (a sandwich in particular that got smaller and smaller as I refused, but never fully eaten, until I took the final piece)
- wrist touches and (gentle!) waist grabs
- bike rides (tells you to hold tight, fixes your helmet and all that jazz)
- hand over your hand when you're on the computer or doing crafts together
- very active eye contact and very close to my face, whenever we were talking
- lending their very nicely scented jacket, like actually perfumed, on a cold night
- late night intellectual texts (for real, when I say something and they deep dive and then we are discussing orca whales for the rest of the night)
- lending books and it has pencilled(!) notes of all their favourite parts, name-addressed to you
- when they look you in the eye in front of the entire group and say THIS GIFT IS FOR YOU, and then don't give out gifts to anyone else, post a travel thing.
- when they make eye contact as you enter a room, and then leave their friend group to spend the rest of the night with you
- Chair pull
- Moving you to the safer side of the road so you don't get splashed
God I am such an idiot.