Guy 1: wore his long hair in a braid one day, danced just while goofing off and he somehow made it look super attractive (reader: he can barely dance), posted a photo of himself “snowboarding” down a volcano during winter break, recruited me for his short film project that involved several takes at the end of my character hugging his character 🙈 (we’re married now) Guy 2: wore a suit to a wedding (this man normally wore cargo shorts and tshirts he’d probably owned for a decade, which there’s nothing wrong with it was just a particularly stark difference lol) Guy 3: merely made silent eye contact a few moments longer than usual while smiling đŸ«  Girl 1: longtime friend but hadn’t seen her face in a while due to long distance and her rarely posting pictures of herself anywhere—she sent me some selfies and i was dazzled ✹ Girl 2: already thought she was beautiful and interesting but had a real “oh no” moment when her eyes lit up as she spoke passionately about her favorite Victorian novel (also when she recalled exactly where an obscure quote from an academic journal had come from, inCLUDING the year of publication đŸ€Ż)
Jul 14, 2024

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takes the weight off the whole thing and I won't wonder if we are friends or if I'm leading anyone on or being presumptuous. I guess my favourite move would be if they did flirt subtly but then followed it up with a genuine hey-i-did-this-because-i-like-you. So here are all the ways the genders have tried that I liked (but did not realise at the time) for research hahaha :-) Good luck for the novel!! - Against a wall, hand up, leaning in - Constantly offering the last bite of food (a sandwich in particular that got smaller and smaller as I refused, but never fully eaten, until I took the final piece) - wrist touches and (gentle!) waist grabs - bike rides (tells you to hold tight, fixes your helmet and all that jazz) - hand over your hand when you're on the computer or doing crafts together - very active eye contact and very close to my face, whenever we were talking - lending their very nicely scented jacket, like actually perfumed, on a cold night - late night intellectual texts (for real, when I say something and they deep dive and then we are discussing orca whales for the rest of the night) - lending books and it has pencilled(!) notes of all their favourite parts, name-addressed to you - when they look you in the eye in front of the entire group and say THIS GIFT IS FOR YOU, and then don't give out gifts to anyone else, post a travel thing. - when they make eye contact as you enter a room, and then leave their friend group to spend the rest of the night with you - Chair pull - Moving you to the safer side of the road so you don't get splashed God I am such an idiot.
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