Wandering is good for the soul and the mind. I find that my inner dialogue is most lucid whilst on an early morning or late night walk. Walking has also been an excellent way for me to learn how to value being alone. Embracing the idea of quality alone time as an essential part of my life has added layers of depth and intimacy to my relationships. It also has created many opportunities for spontaneity and beauty to exist in my life in ways that continue to surprise me.
Sep 28, 2021

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also called flânerie. i think a lot can be seen and learned from going on walks without a set purpose in mind. rather than the journey being about the end goal, it becomes about the experience as a whole. so linger about and enjoy what you notice!!
Feb 6, 2024
Growing up in a Russian household, you become acquainted with the ritual of evening walks after dinner. Beyond its obvious health benefits, there’s a spiritual dimension to the act itself— believe it or not, with my headphones on and my sneakers laced up I’m a biomechanical contemplation machine. A heightened awareness of the landscape and my place in it overcomes me, I might occasionally notice great and strange things. The more aimless the walk is, the better. Getting your steps in is good, but not everything in life needs to be about self-improvement. I find that the longer my walks are, the weirder and more hypnotic they become. The gratitude I feel when I finally return home is really a nice feeling too. For a walking shoe, I recommend Mephistos which feel like gliding on air. Happy trails.
Nov 22, 2023
It's not a walk unless there's no destination. If you're heading somewhere, it's not a true walk. I mean leaving your apartment and not knowing where you're going or how long you'll be out. I get some really good thinking done on walks like this. I especially like walking in Paris.
Dec 22, 2023

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Paris is a baker & chef and her instagram will inspire you to be more creative and precise in all that you do. This woman works so hard and is so exacting. She is fluent in the language of beauty and is so gracious to invite us all behind the scenes to watch her process. Cooking can be an intimidating thing for people which makes sense because it is. I’m not a very good cook, but Paris makes me feel like I could be.
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Trust me. I appreciate that man dearly. He embodies the virtues of quality, simplicity, intimacy.. He emits warmth and kindness. I’ve learned a lot from him. One of my favorite memories from this year was the first time I went over his house for dinner and ate a simple dish of Burrata di Paolo’s & tomatoes in a spicy Yemeni sauce. His food takes you home — wherever that is for you.
Sep 28, 2021
It’s a film about flanerie and death. After watching it, you’ll understand why life is much more vibrant with a touch of sprezzatura. Jep, the penultimate flaneur, constantly refers to Flaubert and the concept of nothingness, which reads like an poignant analysis of our times.  In the press notes, Sorrentino discusses his collaboration with screenwriter Umberto Contarello and how he views Rome as a superior kind of tourist attraction, even though he has made it his home. Rome, like New York, is a city ‘eternal’ in its attractions and mysteries, seductive,  yet empty.  My favorite piece of dialogue comes from a scene on a rooftop after a night of partying, waxing poetic about the merits of socialism, morality, and pasta al dente.“You know, all this boastful talk, all this serious ostentatiousness, ego, ego, ego … These harsh damning judgements of yours hide a certain fragility, a feeling of inadequacy, and above all, a series of untruths …Instead of acting superior and treating us with contempt, you should look at us with affection. We’re all on the brink of despair, all we can do is look each other in the face, keep each other company, joke a little … Don’t you agree?”
Sep 28, 2021