Maybe for you it’s not a tunasand at 1:45 on Thursdays, but I think you gotta have one good ritual. I am in no way a planner or a routine guy, but I do get a tuna sandwich every Thursday after I see the shrink. Sometimes it’s from Katz’s, sometimes it's on a bagel at Russ and Daughters, but I’ve been switching it up. A few weeks ago I had one w Shy from Rolo’s and it was pretty damn good. This week I did Frankel’s and it was excellent. Open to recs. Hop on the Tunafish Thursdays train, we’re happy to have you.
Aug 17, 2021

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famously not a sandwich gurl but i’m determined to have the guy who makes sandwiches here Know me the way my yoga studio and that one lady at the movie theater Know me
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I recently remembered that in college I would make tuna melts because they were cheap and pretty good and easy, now that my frontal lobe is more developed and I have a steady income I decided to see if I could zhuzh it up a bit and found an incredible reddit thread in r/melts where people far and near exchange tuna melt secrets. Let me tell you the first time I put the fresh dill and lemon juice..................... more broadly, this experience made me feel good about picking something I have to do as part of my daily life and making it as glorious as I possibly can, I think it gives a kind of respect to the thing, like respecting the sandwich I'm making for lunch or romanticizing my 6 floor walk-up by being very specific about the things I'm allowed to think about on the way up and practicing/perfecting the stomp vs tiptoe vs slouching methods .................. gets me through the day or at least up the stairs
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Top Recs from @alex-david

Colter Wall is a cowboy from Saskatchewan and makes music that’ll at the very least make you feel like you’re out of the city, but will probably have you looking for a way Upstate (or further) ASAP. He’s cool, he totally walks it like he talks it and spends most of his time ranching and cowboying. If you’re into Townes, Prine, Gillian Welch-- the sort of americana folk (I don’t really know how to categorize it) you’ll probably enjoy his stuff. Songs of the Plains is the album of his I probably listen to most.
Aug 17, 2021
I try to keep a knife on me at all times… People like to make fun of it but everyone who has spent any time w me has found themselves needing it at some point. Shyan has caught me without one a few times recently and he freaks out every time. Be an adult, start carrying your own. This is the knife I carry when I’m at the shop… My buddy Fritz got me hooked. No other utility knife opens easily with one hand.
Aug 17, 2021
This is a contentious item for a New York CIty lifestyle-- In fact it makes zero sense. It’s large and a pain in the ass to carry, but it’s the best water bottle I’ve ever had and I love her. 2 a day keeps u feeling good.
Aug 17, 2021