hahah fuck They are so nerdy, tech and futuristic I love it! It’s the best when the people riding them have the full protective body armor Batman looking kit on. If they have the flashing lights and the JBL booming is the icing on the cake. Would love to give one a go one day but that shit low key gets me nervous, the amount of potholes I come across on my bike a day I couldn’t imagine not swerving a pot hole on  one of those things. RIP it would be! Oh and speaking of mobility on the streets, the dirt bike gangs are the noise of summer! Don’t really have much more to say about them but I love it when I hear them and then when they pop those wheelies chaaahoooo hahah
Jul 13, 2021

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Oct 7, 2024
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Jul 13, 2021
Good cuts, good quality, good shit all around really. This is a new brand that is made in the fashion district of NYC that is currently making amazing blank t-shirts. All made with organic cotton that is farmed in the USA. The current shape is a little short for me personally but I heard through the grapevine there is more of a classic fit coming out soon. It’s hard to do basic stuff well and FM669 is done extremely well. Pass on the good news to your mates :)
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