I was lucky enough to be a guest at Naomi Fry and Ohad Meromi's rosh hashanah dinner where they served probably one of the most jarringly delicious things that's ever passed through my mouth. "Labne!" Naomi exclaimed to my query, "isn't it amazing?". It is SO amazing. I have since incorporated it into my day to day. I mix it with Tahini, frozen cherries, honey and cinnamon OR make a sort of deconstructed tuna noodle casserole (banza pasta, tuna, peas, labne, oIive oil, salt, pepper). You can also mix it with zatar, lemon juice and salt and you have a michelin level crudite dip.
Jun 8, 2021

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I eat this with apples and nectarines, sometimes as a sandwich spread. 6 oz feta 1/4 c olive oil Fat pinch of nutritional yeast Fat pinch of za’atar Diamond kosher salt 2 small cloves of garlic Plain full fat yogurt to your taste, add as you go Just Mash it all together until it’s creamy but not full liquid. But mince the garlic first makes my day like 15% better when this is around 🛒 if you live in LA (you prob know this) go to super king or Armenian and Greek delis for Huge chunky chunks of feta for like no money
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