You don’t actually need whatever s**t is in yr cart, and at the very least you don’t need it boxed up and rush delivered in <24 hours by workers whose quotas mean they can’t take bathroom breaks baby!! (Also Amazon stole millions of dollars in driver tips — true slimeball s**t, look it up!!) The “it’s so convenient” argument is weak, you’re not that busy, player, go for a walk, bet you there’s a store in yr hood that sells that same s**t — cop it there, even if it costs a few dollars more. If there *isn’t* a good store in yr hood, it’s because Amazon helped kill it, making your neighborhood less VIBRANT, so f**k ‘em for doing that, don’t reward them with more $$... And if it’s about wanting to watch movies and shows, pfffft get Criterion like a grown-up ; )

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100% of the time it’s more pleasurable to take yourself to a real store to buy the thing instead of having it delivered. and it’s not that hard
Oct 25, 2024
So, you got things to do. Items to pick up. Ingredients to buy. Packages to drop off. Sometimes this feels like a chore. A burden. Maybe you don’t have enough time. And you succumb to the sirens of Bezos and Fresh Direct and Door Dash to make it easier. But. But, it’s nice to *choose* to make it not a chore. To take your time and BOP AROUND. To soften up those stiff tote bags. To see and walk and banter (or flirt!) with fellow thems behind the counter, on the street or in the store. To listen to music or listen to the world as it moves around you. Errands aren't something to get through. There's nothing waiting for you on the other side of errands. Errands are life. You're doing it, you're living. Enjoy them!
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bc sometimes delayed gratification is fun plus you get free credits to use to buy ebooks or movies :)
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Top Recs from @blackbird-spyplane

This is an animal-rights group that, among other things, breaks into factory farms to document abuse and liberate suffering cuties. Whatever yr thoughts are about eating animals, if you have a soul you can agree that factory farming is deeply heinous nightmare evil s**t, and in fighting against it, these activists are doing tremendously hard, brave and lonely work — so throw ‘em some bucks and / or help ‘em out in other ways!!
Binoculars are a great technology for not looking at yr phone and instead looking with sustained attention at cool s**t that you otherwise might just let fly by you unnoticed — birds, literally and most obviously, but also any other intriguing visual phenomenon, like for instance incredible lichen growing somewhere high up. If you are doing a picnic (see above), bring some binoculars and see what’s in the trees. If you don’t have any, get a pair at a local place or cop some secondhand online. I have a pair of simple Nikon Prostaff 7S 10x42s that I like; you could get those or something more compact… check out standard-issue Nikons or Bushnells, or drop more $$ on some Fujinons or Leicas. Just be careful not to get anything so cheap & s**ty that it’ll work badly and bum you out…
Public parks are great places to post up, see friends and kick back in the company of people in yr community who might not hang out at the same bar u do … This was true before the pandemic and it’s true today. A few years ago someone gave me a lightweight (6 oz?) canvas drop-cloth that has gotten very soft with time & now we toss it in a backpack & bring it with us to parks & on hikes. If you don’t have a picnic blanket already you can cop a ~$12 canvas drop-cloth from a local hardware or paint-supply store. You could use this to re-paint a room at the crib or make some art -- any “process splatters” will just make your picnic look more beautiful.