Public parks are great places to post up, see friends and kick back in the company of people in yr community who might not hang out at the same bar u do ā€¦ This was true before the pandemic and itā€™s true today. A few years ago someone gave me a lightweight (6 oz?) canvas drop-cloth that has gotten very soft with time & now we toss it in a backpack & bring it with us to parks & on hikes. If you donā€™t have a picnic blanket already you can cop a ~$12 canvas drop-cloth from a local hardware or paint-supply store. You could use this to re-paint a room at the crib or make some art -- any ā€œprocess splattersā€ will just make your picnic look more beautiful.

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If you like going to the movies and have a selection of AMCs near you itā€™s an unbelievably good deal. Even at my most destitute I have refused to cancel this membership because itā€™s basically a free activity anytime and a fun little date with myself. 3 movies a week for $25/month??? I will never shut up about this.
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If you go to the movies regularly this deal cannot be ignored. Not only can you see all the good movies, you can see the bad ones with no regrets
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i live laugh love going to the movies, and having my regal unlimited membership makes it sooooo much more financially feasible! plus i love rewatching movies and being able to see an unlimited amount of movies for a flat rate a month is so unbelievably worth it to me. if i had an amc near me i would be an amc a-lister for sureeee! we gotta keep movie theaters alive it's like one of my favorite places <3
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Top Recs from @blackbird-spyplane

You donā€™t actually need whatever s**t is in yr cart, and at the very least you donā€™t need it boxed up and rush delivered in <24 hours by workers whose quotas mean they canā€™t take bathroom breaks baby!! (Also Amazon stole millions of dollars in driver tips ā€” true slimeball s**t, look it up!!) The ā€œitā€™s so convenientā€ argument is weak, youā€™re not that busy, player, go for a walk, bet you thereā€™s a store in yr hood that sells that same s**t ā€” cop it there, even if it costs a few dollars more. If there *isnā€™t* a good store in yr hood, itā€™s because Amazon helped kill it, making your neighborhood less VIBRANT, so f**k ā€˜em for doing that, donā€™t reward them with more $$... And if itā€™s about wanting to watch movies and shows, pfffft get Criterion like a grown-up ; )
This is an animal-rights group that, among other things, breaks into factory farms to document abuse and liberate suffering cuties. Whatever yr thoughts are about eating animals, if you have a soul you can agree that factory farming is deeply heinous nightmare evil s**t, and in fighting against it, these activists are doing tremendously hard, brave and lonely work ā€” so throw ā€˜em some bucks and / or help ā€˜em out in other ways!!
Binoculars are a great technology for not looking at yr phone and instead looking with sustained attention at cool s**t that you otherwise might just let fly by you unnoticed ā€” birds, literally and most obviously, but also any other intriguing visual phenomenon, like for instance incredible lichen growing somewhere high up. If you are doing a picnic (see above), bring some binoculars and see whatā€™s in the trees. If you donā€™t have any, get a pair at a local place or cop some secondhand online. I have a pair of simple Nikon Prostaff 7S 10x42s that I like; you could get those or something more compactā€¦ check out standard-issue Nikons or Bushnells, or drop more $$ on some Fujinons or Leicas. Just be careful not to get anything so cheap & s**ty that itā€™ll work badly and bum you outā€¦