This world is a life sentence. I’m in a state of constant, low grade agitation. Crust gathered around my eyelids like dead weeds in the summer sun. I’m sitting in the line for the COSTCO gasoline station in Van Nuys, CA as I type this. It’s hot and stifling and the malformed waddler phenotype directly in front of me can’t for the life of her get her COSTCO card to read at the scanner. I’m seething, seething in my non-air conditioned 2005 Toyota Solara. It occurs to me that when the government decides to suspend the constitution & institute mass incarcerations, they won’t even need to erect FEMA camps. I’m thinking forced relocation of insurgent population to COSTCO’s around the country. it won’t even be forced. We’ll all just move in & relish the the opportunity to finally, holistically Live in Bulk™️ . In this moment, when being a total misanthrope comes as easily, as urgently as reaching for the glass of water on the floor next to the mattress (also on the floor), I can’t help but think to myself “the narrator from my year of rest & relaxation is literally me”.
Fun, easy breezy read. Made me lol a couple of times. Middle part drags a bit, but the ending’s brilliant. late to the party on this one, but glad I finally got around to it