My favorite Holiday tradition is seeing the holiday shows at Joe’s Pub in NYC. Mx Justin Vivian Bond does their Solstice show every year, and it’s not to be missed - luckily this year it was streamed live on youtube in all it’s glory. For New Year’s, Sandra Bernhard does her annual show and it’s always the best way to end the year. This year it was cancelled so I went back to the source. I fell in love with Sandra years ago watching Without You I’m Nothing, the film version of her hit one-woman broadway show from 1990. I ended up watching it 2 times over my holiday break, my mind blown a little bit more each time. Sandra’s patented mix of social commentary and cabaret is unlike anything else, and Without You I Am Nothing is just as relevant now, perhaps even more so, than it was in 1990. It is currently all I can think about.