Most people would (and do) describe me as “Mom”. This is likely because it’s how I refer to myself.  More specifically, I am a Berkshires Mom or a Berkeley Mom (they are basically the same Mom). We all know her. I have spent the past 2 years house hunting in the Berkshires - no dice yet but wish me luck. I did, however, buy a car in 2020 and have been STACKING the back with Berk(shires/eley) Mom bumper stickers lately. I cannot stop buying them. This Chicken Pot Pie bumper sticker is my current favorite, but there are so many good ones on NorthernSun and PeaceProject and with every sticker I apply to my car, I get that much closer to my final form.
Jan 14, 2021

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Jan 14, 2021
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Jan 14, 2021