Okay, so at this point I don't think I have to cover bases on what Oatly is. For those who aren't familiar, it's probably the most hyped oat milk brand out there right now. BUT, let me tell you about the barista edition, this shit hits different for frothing and iced lattes. It's a lot thicker than the regular Oatly milk you're probably used to, but I honestly think it might be better than real milk. It also goes super well with baked goods if it isn't too thick for you. Another plus is that this stuff can be shipped and doesn’t have to be refrigerated until it’s opened.
Feb 18, 2021

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chobani extra creamy oat milk is my fav alt milk, oatly oat milk is a close second! and occasionally when im feeling goofy ill buy locally made chocolate milk. the kind that comes in a glass jug? truly unbeatable.
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