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sorta a weird rec but as a born and bread easter coast city cad and self identified (although widely disputed) new englander, i feel like i was always opposed to the west coast bc i felt like it was for posers and rich people but idk something flipped in my brain recently. this isn’t even a rec atp but i think that for a while la was the it city and so i never wanted to go bc nyc was for real people (wtv that means) and now that nyc is the cool city (at least on certain digital spaces) ive become more atuned to things that i dismissed in the past. like people are try hards and social climbers and a little performativly high maintenance. anyway my point is is that i spent the last week in socal and found it very refreshing! i don’t think socal is flawless or devoid of the same issues the city has but people feel a little more free to be ambitious. like socal really bodied with their whole city of dreams thing. k enough being honest on the internet for now.
Apr 29, 2024
recommendation image
When i lived in LA i seldom experienced fomo. However, since moving to NYC i feel so guilty not going out like *all the time*. so stupid. do you know what i mean though? i think it's probably because in LA going out was more of a *thing*; like you had to uber both ways if you were drinking, etc. NYC? I walk outside and life is happening everywhere. It's fucking amazing but I also just want to be better at doing nothing when I'm not working. p.s. how nice are these shoes
Feb 1, 2024

Top Recs from @brynn-wallner

I live in NY now but lived in LA for about 5 years in my early 20s. I was a party girl and my fav thing to do on weekends was to sneak into luxury hotel pools. Chateau Marmont’s pool is easy to slip into if you have the confidence… walk in like you own the place!!! I’ll always have a soft spot for the Chateau because it’s the main character in my favorite Sofia Coppola movie, Somewhere (2010). My dear friend Chris Chang knows how much I love the hotel and sent me their signature candle via snail mail one cold winter. It’s such a warm scent and it brightens up my mood instantly. I only light it when I’m feeling EXTRA homesick for Los Angeles because I want it to last forever (I’ve actually burned through 3 of them at this point).
Jan 5, 2021
I’d have gone completely insane this year if I didn’t “practice” yoga. I’ve been streaming videos from my fav studio VERAYOGA since April. They teach Vinyasa yoga, which is yoga as exercise… because exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just DON’T kill their husbands. Very challenging but very worth it (hello, have you seen my abs???). Keeps me limber and grounded. They have good playlists, but sometimes I just put on Radiohead and pretend like I’m Dakota Johnson in Suspiria. Moody girl checkkk.
Jan 5, 2021
I don’t think I’ve ever read sci-fi before in my life, but when they (the industry) announced that the new film adaptation of Dune would be starring my angel Timothée Chalamet, I was like okay… hmm… interesting… My friend kept bugging me to read it and finally I was like, you know what, fine. I bought a copy at McNally Jackson (“gotta do it for Timmy” said the cashier… he knew). At first I was like, what language is this in??? But then I discovered the glossary and started getting the flow. Instantly hooked. The story is addictive and it felt good indulging in something totally new. It’s so not me… but I’m sick of me. I want an escape! I want to be on another planet! Arrakis!!!!
Jan 5, 2021