If I want to get really relaxed or need to hard-reset my energy I love to listen to tapes in the bath. Tapes are my favorite audio format other than CD because the vibrations hit in such a physical way. When you’re in the bath it gives the sound perfect reverb, and the tape warble seems to bounce off of the steam in the air.. it feels like magic. My favorite tape is the Emma Kirkby Collection, which I found in my parents basement. It’s a collection of stunning baroque & medieval music. When Columba Aspexit by Hildegard Von Bingen comes on I am possessed. I couldn’t find this release on any streaming services in the US so I bought the CD on eBay and (allegedly) made a rip to share the magic with my friends (or anyone who asks ;)... ). I also add Dr. Singha’s mustard bath to the mix if I really want to levitate.
Feb 24, 2023

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