I’m a Bette stan. I discovered her a couple years ago when I had covid and was locked away on my birthday in my bedroom with a bottle of wine and a plate of chicken and rice. I was raised on movies and tv, but I somehow never knew about Bette. I always knew the song, “Bette Davis Eyes” of course, but didn’t know just how special her eyes really are lol until I watched All About Eve. It was my 26th birthday, I was a little tipsy, and I was scrolling through movies on the TCM hub on Hbo Max and saw All About Eve, and was like…i’ve heard of this…let’s see what this is all about. I was not prepared for the obsession that was sparked in me the second I saw Bette. “YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE A JUNK YARD” she said that! I was watching her perform, and was like…this woman is an Aries no doubt in my mind. Turns out her birthday is just a few days after mine. I wish I could have a joint birthday party with her. She’s so funny, so in control, and allows the camera to see every side of herself, the ugly and the stunning. Ive watched so many interviews of her, I follow all the stan accounts. I can’t get enough of her. She makes me want to perform. She makes me proud to be an insane aries woman.
Dec 20, 2022

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Dec 20, 2022
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Dec 20, 2022
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Dec 20, 2022