In general, I like to keep up on the latest in astronomy and theoretical physics. This app, which is a recent addition to my mobile arsenal, allows me to contextualize and understand my place in a previously inscrutable map of the universe.  Living in Brooklyn makes it really difficult to stargaze, and with this app I never have a problem keeping tabs on where our local black hole (Sagittarius A*) is.
Dec 8, 2022

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If you like going to the movies and have a selection of AMCs near you it’s an unbelievably good deal. Even at my most destitute I have refused to cancel this membership because it’s basically a free activity anytime and a fun little date with myself. 3 movies a week for $25/month??? I will never shut up about this.
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Top Recs from @cole

I love entering through the department stores. I love the metallic smell of the fountains, and estimating the amount of change thrown there.  I love the manicured displays and the wigs they put on the mannequins.  I love Orange Julius.  I love washing my hands in the sink at Bath and Body Works.  I love having a place to walk indoors when it’s raining, and this was a crucial feature during the years I lived in Boston.  The Prudential Center is open 24/7, and I loved wandering around it in the middle of the night.
Dec 8, 2022
My old friends Ryan and Evan introduced me to the idea of a “friendship initiation ceremony” in high school.  Theirs was honestly really fun for me, but I’m not gonna be uncool and say what it was.  My own initiations (punishments? lol)  were vigils where I’d park my car in a quiet and dark spot and play this album front to back and cry.  With the song “Rapture” tears were unavoidable.  If someone could sit through the trial of my quiet sobs 1-on-1 then I was certain our bond was strong.  I did that ritual four times.
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Over the last couple of years I became super addicted to the coziness of “Sword and Sorcery” fantasy movies.  My favorites are the ones made circa the 80’s:  Red Sonja, Apple, The Last Unicorn, Masters of the Universe, and Beastmaster; which is simply my favorite of the genre.  In a broader sense, these movies share the kind of sentiment I love to feel when watching B-movies: sloppy execution cannot destroy the charisma embedded in a labor of love.
Dec 8, 2022