My parents are from Ireland so I didn't grow up with football. I've always been jealous of the lore and excitement that comes with a lifetime of watching the game. I decided this year was the year to catch up, and what better way to do it than to start my own Fantasy Football league. It's a league I built of friends from all different parts of my life, and most are brand new to the sport. Now we message each other things like "How did your KICKER get 18 points!?" and "Chubb's backup is crushing it". A perfect excuse to get excited about something every Sunday and to keep in touch with friends of all kinds.
Oct 25, 2023

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it’s not too late to gather friends from the disparate corners of your life and make a league … you can have watch parties … you can create memes with the players … it’s FUN
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I grew up playing soccer and was probably the worst and least motivated kid on the team. Having jerk teammates and coaches really soured the whole of sports for me, and I never really picked them up again as a viewer or player until a few years ago. Some good friends roped me into joining a fantasy football league, and I won the whole enchilada in my first year! After kind of paying attention for a season, you start to recognize players and learn about teams' reputations. Soon enough, you're rooting for your favorite team and players!
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super bowl is this weekend and i’m outing myself as a football fan. but fr shouting go sportsball past the age of 15 is super lame and you should totally get invested in sports and more specifically the nfl. mostly bc american football is such a stupid sport and the rules make no sense but you prob already know a little (like what a touchdown is) and the rest is sorta just arbitrary. i’ve been following the nfl since i was like 8 or 9 bc that’s how me and my dad bonded and it’s really a saving grace in any conversation with a man. idk how to explain it but american football strikes the most perfect balance of interesting game and good bonding experience with fans…the european mind cannot even begin to grasp. heavily heavily recommend.
Feb 9, 2024

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I was 4 and called it “Apple Love”. Do you believe in life, apple love?
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