I grew up playing soccer and was probably the worst and least motivated kid on the team. Having jerk teammates and coaches really soured the whole of sports for me, and I never really picked them up again as a viewer or player until a few years ago. Some good friends roped me into joining a fantasy football league, and I won the whole enchilada in my first year! After kind of paying attention for a season, you start to recognize players and learn about teams' reputations. Soon enough, you're rooting for your favorite team and players!
Jan 24, 2024

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I’ve been casually keeping abreast of what’s going on in sports recently. For most of my life, I wasn’t interested in sports at all— if anything I sort of looked down my nose at sports & sports fans. I saw it all as bread & circus for the proles. I was a fool, I see that now. I enjoy watching sports & thinking about sports now. One of the best parts of being on the level wrt to what’s going on sportswise is talking about sports with anyone. Anyone! It’s like learning a new language. 5 beers deep with your buddies, shooting the shit with your coworkers, small talk with total strangers. It’s great. It’s the ultimate conversation topic. You can go anywhere with it. You can bullshit. You really just need to know a little bit, not that much. I am a prole, I am a normie, I am a Roman peasant phillistine but man this bread tastes great, man am I having a blast at the circus
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BEST COAST NO COAST (technically wrong because we have THE LARGEST BODY OF FRESH WATER IN THE WORLD). We're stereotyped as being nice; our signature dishes are all things that make you feel more full than a grain silo at the end of the harvest season; the great lakes are beautiful; supper clubs; 4 seasons superiority; relatively mild natural disasters; endless list of artists, musicians, generally successful and prolific people from the midwest; natural wonders galore (driftless region, boundary waters, apostle islands, etc.); eccentric culture and lifestyle; the list goes on and on. I love being from Wisconsin, and I will never feel bad about it.
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