Why stream movies online when you can spend even more money and take up even more space with an exhaustive collection of blu-rays, dvds, and for the truly committed, reels of 16mm film. Trust me fellas, nothing gets a lady randier than when she sees you have the vast majority of the Criterion Collection arranged against your bedroom wall. Ideally physical media should be paid for with your parents money, but if you are a so-called "self sufficient adult" it's also acceptable to purchase these movies with your own hard-earned cash. And if anyone is to question your propensity for accumulating the aforementioned objects in question, just remind them of how the bit-rate and sound compression is vastly superior then what you get through streaming. When in doubt, always remember the bit-rate!
Nov 2, 2023

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one day i want my kids to be able to watch so many different types of movies and tv shows and read comics, manga and books and listen to CD's... all without having to endlessly scroll. i myself want to be able to enjoy a library of curated media that i can take off of a shelf and open and enjoy fully without having to cypher through 10 different streaming platforms or purchase digitally until the company loses the rights and i can't access it anymore. i'm glad that so many are becoming enamored with this idea again. hope this trend only grows bigger and eventually we see video rental stores come back to popularity in the same way that book stores and record stores have in recent years.
Jan 28, 2025
Jan 27, 2024
everybody knows about the books but library streaming services? that almost always have oodles of criterion classics? and don't even get me started on the dvd collections...
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Top Recs from @illithiddude

About a decade ago, in the halcyon years of the early 2010s, Los Angels underwent a culinary renaissance. The city transformed from a metropolitan area notorious for its deficit of high quality cuisine to one of the driving forces of a new American cooking. Restaurants like Animal and whatever Jose Centano was cooking pushed culinary culture forward, forefronting a masculine style of cooking focused on offal, fat, and a primeval savory richness. Suddenly the entire city was consuming foie gras, pig ear, and ox tail. Over the course of a decade, this style of cooking disseminated through the city, infiltrating every neighborhood and ethnic enclave. Japanese food featured hearts, livers, and pickled meats. Mexican cuisine fixated on tongue and stomach. Bacon and brussels sprouts could be found on every New American menu. Unfortunately, like all good things, this shift was not to signal a permanent change. Instagram reoriented cooking to feature aesthetics first, and ingredients second. The focal restaurants of this movement slowly lost favor and dissipated from business. The people, as with anything in our fast changing city, moved on. Los Angeles once more became a city of route, pedestrian cooking. So where to find exciting, unexpected flavors? The answer, as always, lies in the most unexpected of locations. Any exciting cooking this city has to offer can be found in the nooks and cranies of this metropolis's ethnic strip malls. Within these unassuming locations can be found the richness of a globalized culinary culture. In Koreatown one can stumble upon gopchang - delicately grilled cow intestines. The sidewalks and hovels of Thaitown feature the breadth of Northern Thailand and Laotian delicacies, which encompass everything from fermented crab to raw meat salads. Little Armenia is home to basturma, a specific varient of cured beef salami. The most delectable of sushi can be discovered in any neighborhood across the great swath of our city, with fish sourced from the San Pedro fish market, the busiest and freshest seafood depository outside of the many islands of Japan. Though the most prominent restaurants from its culinary heyday have since ceased to exist, Los Angeles is still a culinary capital of unparalleled breadth. One must simply know what neighborhoods bear fruit, and what unassuming storefronts are ripe for the plucking. The dingier the restaurant, the greater the prize, and the adventure one must take to get there only makes the meal all the more worthwhile.
Nov 4, 2023