one day i want my kids to be able to watch so many different types of movies and tv shows and read comics, manga and books and listen to CD's... all without having to endlessly scroll. i myself want to be able to enjoy a library of curated media that i can take off of a shelf and open and enjoy fully without having to cypher through 10 different streaming platforms or purchase digitally until the company loses the rights and i can't access it anymore. i'm glad that so many are becoming enamored with this idea again. hope this trend only grows bigger and eventually we see video rental stores come back to popularity in the same way that book stores and record stores have in recent years.
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Jan 28, 2025

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Not only do we own our media when we collect it, but we are preserving it. There are some movies that you can’t stream, and without physical media to rent or even purchase, it’s become increasingly difficult to access movies and shows. A recent and resonant example is the film “28 Days Later”—there was a period about a year ago where it wasn’t streaming anywhere. Just poof 💨 gone. And physical copies of the movie are super hard to find. We are losing the recipes if we don’t collect, keep, and treasure our media. I got into the mix with VHS tapes and have also begun to rebuild my DVD collection. And my goodness, what a treat it is to watch the era-specific trailers when I pop a tape on. The whole viewing experience becomes an event. All of this is to say, renting my media digitally no longer works for me. I don’t trust media companies and big corporations to not fumble the bag with our art, our culture, our history. We owe it to ourselves to be the stewards of what we love and care about, because there’s no guarantee Spotify will have that song tomorrow. Addendum: As of last month, the oldest title on Netflix streaming is from 1973. Now imagine if Netflix was the only platform you used to stream, how would you even come into contact with something earlier than 1973? Where and how would you access earlier media?
I have a fair amount of dvds and vhs tapes from when I was a kid. They rarely get used but every once and a while something has been taken down on streaming or I want to watch at the highest quality regardless of WiFi or otherwise. As the world moves more toward the internet, the temperature gets hotter, AI uses more and more water, and CEOs cancel or delete things for tax purposes it is important to OWN what you love and keep what you want to keep. Thrift shops and goodwills are great for regaining a collection of older movies you want to keep around and then try to buy the new ones as they come out. I think personally it’s not about a completely filled out collection of EVERYTHING just things you care about. And also rent stuff from the library! can’t keep it but if you don’t want to have streaming or anything. that’s how I used to binge watch tv shows in the summer when I was like 11.
Jan 22, 2025
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what in the adult world equates to the feeling that one would get while sitting and playing at the toy section at blockbuster at those ikea tables with the bead toys and the knockoff superhero dolls while i waited for my parents to go rent dinosaurs????? plus— on demand media had taken away the excitement and the ritual of gathering together and choosing a source of entertainment for everyone involved, it is now just a tireless act where no one is satisfied with the choices suggested. plus, whatever choice made can then be easily argued and changed within seconds rather than being forced to just sit and watch the one movie that was rented, until one decision is made that will somewhat satisfy everyone—a vast juxtaposition to the careful curating it would have taken to rent the perfect movie for that evening. it really removed the art of critique and discussion. bring back the BlueRay era fr, those ads were goated anyways
Jan 19, 2025

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we all have too many water bottles and other vessels for consuming liquid, i know i do. see how long the ones you have will last you, make it a little challenge, pass it down to your grandkids. f#%* it, anything can be an heirloom
Feb 7, 2025