Nothing is sweeter than spontaneous mail!! Go to your local post office, buy some stamps, sit down, monologue your current feelings/thoughts/ideas/drama/complaints on paper and send it off. If you're lucky, your friends will write you back and if you're like me, you can hoard every letter you've ever received and then read them back and revel in your own nostalgia.
Nov 3, 2023

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Send handwritten letters or little drawings to your friends! Maybe they will send you one back! It's such a nice feeling to be posted something sentimental!
Jan 31, 2025
a few weeks ago i got the sudden urge to write all my friends a letter/postcard and now i am finding all their replies in my letterbox! let's bring back pen pals, they create infinite joy!
If I haven't spoken to my friend in at least three months, I start to ask if they want to send letters. If you don't communicate for months or years, you might as well send letters: they're practically just as fast but with depth and physicality! Who doesn't love some paper treasures! Plus, it provides a Victorian-drama level of yearning in waiting to continue a conversation. There is nothing I have savored more than checking for a reply after sending a letter. I open my mailbox every Sunday. I am aware of this error in logic, but I love it every time I do it. I am a child again, and I am joyfully impatient. Not only is it mail, but it's mail from a friend: the best kind.
Jan 26, 2024

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On this website, you can search any address in new york and see what it used to look like in 1940. I'm obsessed with looking up every apartment I've lived in, my friend's apartments, my ex-lover's apartments, my nail salon, my dermatologist's office etc.
Nov 3, 2023
sheโ€™s looking gorgeous tonight and everyone should know. isnโ€™t it cute we all live under the same moon??
Dec 27, 2023
scratches an itch in my brain
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