If I haven't spoken to my friend in at least three months, I start to ask if they want to send letters. If you don't communicate for months or years, you might as well send letters: they're practically just as fast but with depth and physicality! Who doesn't love some paper treasures! Plus, it provides a Victorian-drama level of yearning in waiting to continue a conversation. There is nothing I have savored more than checking for a reply after sending a letter. I open my mailbox every Sunday. I am aware of this error in logic, but I love it every time I do it. I am a child again, and I am joyfully impatient. Not only is it mail, but it's mail from a friend: the best kind.
Jan 26, 2024

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Nothing is sweeter than spontaneous mail!! Go to your local post office, buy some stamps, sit down, monologue your current feelings/thoughts/ideas/drama/complaints on paper and send it off. If you're lucky, your friends will write you back and if you're like me, you can hoard every letter you've ever received and then read them back and revel in your own nostalgia.
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I love hand-writing a letter. the delayed gratification of it, talking about anything and nothing, decorating it with cartoons and drawings and stickers. Sending little extras and photographs with tiny micro-playlists scrawled out on the back of it. It takes at least an hour to craft a good letter, one worth receiving and replying to, and it's intimate to think about someone nonstop for that long. I just love that form of communication.
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a few weeks ago i got the sudden urge to write all my friends a letter/postcard and now i am finding all their replies in my letterbox! let's bring back pen pals, they create infinite joy!

Top Recs from @blashbros

Books in progress (Jan 2024) - Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky - Chelsea Girls by Eileen Myles - Space Struck by Paige Lewis Essays (Jan 2024) - Home for the Holidays by Rayne Fisher Quann https://internetprincess.substack.com/p/home-for-the-holidays - Girl Clutter by Molly Soda https://mollysoda.substack.com/p/girl-clutter - It's Never Over by Eliza McLamb https://www.wordsfromeliza.com/p/its-never-over - What The Media Is Still Getting Wrong About Polyamory by Sophie Lucido Johnson https://goodenoughjob.substack.com/p/what-the-media-is-still-getting-wrong Notes App - Movies to Watch (Currently adding All of Us Strangers, 2023 to it) - Body Check in make sure I'm not going crazy - Endless writing quotes - Stores to visit
Jan 26, 2024
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Before I had unlimited data, I burned CDs to play in my car. I would save any song I loved onto a playlist, download it, burn it, create a collage CD cover in Photoshop, and print it onto card stock to keep in my car. I have at least twenty custom CDs. Themes on CDs included: Viscerally, Flow, "Run Away with Me", Strangeness, and Wistfulness. For my friend's birthdays, I would burn a CD with a list of the songs, including what each song meant to me and how that song connected to my friends. I love making the covers.
Jan 26, 2024
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I live in a suburb and have no clue how anyone builds community, but I'm trying to learn. For half a year, I had a monthly part that included movie nights, dinners, and trivia, one of which was French Salon-themed. We all dressed in 19th-century garb, spoke about philosophy, and played the game Dirty Laundry (Thx Dropout). I shut off all the lights in my house and only used candles for the evening. I spent fifteen hours straight cooking and custom menus. Similar night themes included: Tumblr Party, Coming of Age Film, Lesbian Movie Night, Scooby Doo, Summer's End, etc. Overall, good community-building effort, will do it again. Side Note: Despite its career effects on graphic designers, no one has a stranglehold on me more than Canva when making party invitations.
Jan 26, 2024