So fun. I can't stop. Yes, I'd like another. You know who else has a random generator? Smitten Kitchen. Push "Surprise Me" at the top and you will be rewarded with inspirational deliciousness.
Nov 15, 2023

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I’ve been loving Natasha Pickowicz’s DEMI chat, Never Ending Salon, for a myriad of reasons (and recipes), but by far the best takeaway so far has been this recipe divider. As you may know, Gaby and I are not always the best recipe followers; we substitute, halve, brown, and salt with reckless abandon. I’m a firm believer in experimentation, but this tool helps guarantee the things in the recipe that make it work (like leavinings, salt and seasoning levels, ratios of fat sources) stay the same, guaranteeing success no matter how sparse your cookware collection. Not only can you halve or third or quarter recipes (very pandemic-friendly if you’re cooking for a small pod), you can even adjust them to different pan sizes. No more wondering if it’s really a big deal if you only have a pie dish and a 9” springform but the recipe calls for two 6” cake pans, and no more raw centers (here’s lookin’ at you, Gab!)
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great recipes, engaged comment section. Search for recipes by ingredient, great if you need a creative way to use the asparagus that has been in your fridge for a week
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not necessarily a replacement since they’re short videos, just a chef i really like! so fun to scroll through and it’s a lot of stuff i probably wouldn’t even attempt but he has a substack for the recipes. also bought gestura spoons because of him, i was Influenced!
Feb 27, 2024

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