She is a bit younger than I am but she really does nail the taxonomy of cigarettes in NYC in 1996 - she says for HS but I think it held up for the 20 somethings at Coney Island High too. As she says, "Vapes could never."
Nov 15, 2023

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zero promotion of smoking obviously, but also the admission that it is done & isn't always unfun. see @cigfluencers on instagram for proof. friend of my mother's recently described the skinny cigs like this as I drew one to my lips. niche. also known as the cigarettes smoked by tweens in Milan.
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"the poison in every puff is killing him, like all smokers, but the pleasure comes from slowly dying." i recently moved to spain and the onslaught of cigarette smoking here inspired me to read "cigarettes are sublime" by richard klein (in the kantian sense of sublimity). its wonderful meditation on the literary, philosophical, and cultural history of smoking, all from the perspective of an addict trying to quit. in that sense, it reads sort of like a eulogy. klein introduces a ton of fascinating ideas, such as cigarettes functioning as clocks and ways to escape time, the function of cigarettes on screen, and the relationship between women's liberation and smoking cigarettes. very beautifully written and the author has a hilarious wit! if you like philosophy you should check it out! to other americans, it may or may not undo the years of successful anti-cigarette messaging 🫣
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