My everything, found her online yoga/pilates classes in the pandemic and it seriously changed my life. I love to move my body but get overwhelmed at gyms and she’s all about taking a minute for yourself rather than losing weight or whatever and going sicko mode. Usually do a class a day and usually in my pjs tbh :$
Nov 17, 2023

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I know I’ve recommended her free YouTube workouts before but if I’ve recommended the app/membership I simply must repeat myself. I let my subscription lapse and was thinking about signing back up but today they offered me one month for $1 so I simply had to do it!! (They do also offer a one-week free trial for new members). I’ve been doing at-home exercise for almost ten years and MWH is my favorite. I love Melissa’s calm instructional style and her workouts are super engaging but also there’s so much variety from different teachers (Pilates, barre, yoga, dance, body weight, cardio—even pre and post natal if that’s something you need) that I can always find something to suit my mood. And there are meditations too! It makes it easier for me to hold myself accountable to my self-care habits to have exercise and mindfulness routines all in one place. today to ease myself back in I did her 17-minute barre for lower body video, the dancer stretch and recovery, and a legs up the wall meditation and I feel amazinggg 🥰
Oct 29, 2024
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I unsubscribed for a while because my puppy was attacking me every time I would exercise so I resigned myself to a sedentary lifestyle but I think soon it will be time to get back on the horse. She offers Pilates, barr, yoga, standing counter workouts, pre/peri/postnatal workouts and dance workouts from herself and several other instructors. There are a lot of videos that use resistance bands, Pilates balls, Pilates circles and ankle/wrist weights too. Try the linked video to get a feel for her style!! Before I signed up for her membership I would just do her free videos on YouTube! I should do this workout right now honestly… 🤧 (edit I did it and it’s crazy how different I feel) I love her because she doesn’t talk about the visual results her workouts will help you achieve but about how good it feels to exercise for your mental and physical health!!! She offers meditations too! I would also recommend 30-day yoga challenges from Yoga with Adriene or Travis Eliot both will really whip you into shape and help you build foundational strength. I recommend Ballet Beautiful with Mary Helen Bowers if you hate yourself and want a cold waspish ballerina to punish you humble you and nearly kill you. It’s extremely challenging but rewarding.
May 2, 2024
I love taking fitness classes IRL and I think boutique fitness is so interesting and literally, like I said, could just make this whole thing about that. So if you ARE interested in recommendations of studios and teachers and stuff reach out to me bc I am going to STOP but I did wanna say-- if you’re someone who’s been practicing yoga for a long time, especially at home, it can get kind of monotonous- you start to be able to predict where you’re going next, like, Warrior 2, then Reverse Warrior, then Triangle. Etc. So I recently found this girl I am in love with and her name is Nicole and she doesn’t upload videos very often but they’re like the closest to an in-studio experience I’ve ever had at home. Her sequencing is so creative!!  She’s an artist. It’s definitely for more experienced people, but if that is you, I think you will love her. She is amazing at coming up with crazy flows that are so fun and challenging. And a lot of them are a nice hour long!!If you are newer to yoga and are maybe burnt out on Adrienne, I think you would love Yoga With Kassandra...  she’s really accessible.. this is all free on YouTube I should have specified
Aug 12, 2021

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Shoutout if you do that. I have to personally, or else the plane will crash in the ocean.
Nov 17, 2023
This article. My therapist recommended it to me and says I haven’t processed maybe anything in my life and drown out my feelings by looking at my phone? Like k
Nov 17, 2023
SOOOO good. The best depiction of being trapped in da mind of a genius. Go watch :)
Nov 17, 2023