The man built the Twin Towers and Pruitt Igoe, two modernist complexes meant to symbolize progress and prosperity. Both we're destroyed (and their destruction was documented) in infamous fashion: 9/11 obviously and Koyaanisqatsi for Pruitt Igoe. Can't think of an architect who's had such a strangely similar fates befall two major projects.
Dec 4, 2023

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i think about the pruitt igoe housing complex on a weekly basis. it was a large-scale modernist public housing project in st louis built to improve the lives of low-income people in the city, and it worked for some time until conditions in and around the complex became so unlivable that the city literally blew the whole thing up like 20 years later. considered “the death of modernism.” im actually haunted by the pruitt igoe myth documentary just thinking abt how this influenced late 20th century architecture in such a vast way, the flows of capital into building projects, the quality of those projects, scale etcccc linking the 99 percent invisible episode abt the complex
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buildings are sentient and evil MF, if ykyk. Associated by a tangent only but there’s a great essay by Kenneth Frampton (towards critical regionalism) about what postmodern architecture is reg. the flattening and fracturing of deconstructionism and monoculturalism.
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I know I do this to myself, but sometimes I think about it and my appetite goes away. My ability to sleep becomes null. This is a students' residence for a prestigious university in Bogotá. It's very ugly. It's incoherent with the rest of architecture in the city. These are two clowns in the middle of everywhere. The Twin Towers would laugh at this shit 😔. Share with me the ugly pieces of architecture you've seen if you'd like. I'm curious and masochist.
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