i think about the pruitt igoe housing complex on a weekly basis. it was a large-scale modernist public housing project in st louis built to improve the lives of low-income people in the city, and it worked for some time until conditions in and around the complex became so unlivable that the city literally blew the whole thing up like 20 years later. considered “the death of modernism.” im actually haunted by the pruitt igoe myth documentary just thinking abt how this influenced late 20th century architecture in such a vast way, the flows of capital into building projects, the quality of those projects, scale etcccc linking the 99 percent invisible episode abt the complex
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Apr 19, 2024

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The man built the Twin Towers and Pruitt Igoe, two modernist complexes meant to symbolize progress and prosperity. Both we're destroyed (and their destruction was documented) in infamous fashion: 9/11 obviously and Koyaanisqatsi for Pruitt Igoe. Can't think of an architect who's had such a strangely similar fates befall two major projects.
Dec 4, 2023
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as ur local architect i could give 100 answers to this ask. but here is a social housing project i really love. the most sustainable building is one that already exists, building anything new is inherently bad for the environment (buildings make up 40% of global emissions!). rather than propose an entirely new building for this public housing project, lacaton & vassal proposed essentially renovating the existing and extending the building outward in the front by adding a layer of these kinda indoor/outdoor living spaces. i love this as a low cost solution that not only raises the economic value of these apartments but also is an incredibly valuable space for the well being of the tenants. pic of the diagram showing before and after but def encourage taking a look at the pics in the link!
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https://archis.org/volume/smooth-city-is-the-new-urban/ oldie but new to me
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for my 100th rec i am proposing a chicago meetup sometime this summer, inspired by other city rendezvous(es?) ~~~ would love to meet some of u lovely people in person! comment if you’re interested we can brainstorm places 2 go 💫
Jun 15, 2024
if you are in the metro chicago area pls join us at central park bar in avondale next saturday, august 17 at 4pm. mossyelfiethickrimmedgirlronen and i will be there for sure ! here is the discord for chat ! pls come join us !!
Aug 11, 2024