Can’t believe I forgot to include this earlier. Chris Lilley’s masterpiece. Buried deeper and deeper as the years go by. The hardest I’ve laughed at anything outside of Stella.
Dec 11, 2023

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that show gets better with age. The subtle humor feels funnier and funnier with every watch.
Feb 16, 2024
The greatest show there is. I’ve watched TPB about 6 million times through at this point and don’t see a reason to stop. From it’s earlier more raw seasons to the crisper netflix-ified later stuff, there’s gold in every episode. Ricky is probably my favorite character - the way he gets lost mid-sentence or replaces some words with similar ones is amazing - and everyone surrounding him and the boys is great too. (RIP John Dunsworth, the job of trailer park supervisor will never be the same). I keep coming back for the constant perfect timing and those little details — like the recurring drink in Julian’s hand when he drives, even after flipping a car in a helicopter chase. Trailer park boys is a low-key magnum opus of comedy TV.
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For the past year or so I’ve tried to surprise as many people as I can with a birthday cake on their special day.  I can safely say it is the easiest, most rewarding thing you can do to show your gratitude that someone else exists. You only have to do it once a year, but they’ll remember it.
Oct 31, 2023
Ever since I got sober, I’ve had this nagging feeling that I got away with something that many people I’ve known over the years did not. Acknowledging this truth always alleviates any momentary anxiety I might be feeling and mainlines a potent batch of gratitude into my system. Life continues to throw a lot at you even after you’ve cleaned up your act, and in many ways it feels a lot harder to handle because reality isn’t so foggy anymore and problems aren’t as easy to shrug off as they once were. But remembering that I’m lucky to still be here at all and that I just might be in the bonus round of my life always makes me thrilled to be alive.“I want to live again!” - George Bailey, “It’s A Wonderful Life”
Oct 31, 2023
In an old interview where he talks about his favorite bands, John Frusciante concludes by detailing the ways in which REM’s music has been like a friend to him.  When he was down and out as an active drug user, friendless and out of the band, REM was there for him.  This is more or less how I feel about the entire catalog of John Frusciante.  There are lots of bands and artists I always feel I can return to, but none so much like a friend as John Frusciante.“If anything unfolds, it’s supposed to” - John Frusciante, “Going Inside”
Oct 31, 2023