michigan-based chocolate company that makes the most fun, artful, and delicious chocolates known to man. every once in a while, my detroit friend will surprise me with these and for a moment my life feels perfect.
then nibbling on it after a meal when you just want a lil sumn sweet. whittling it down through the week like a rat. carefully wrapping it up for safe keeping until the next time u need a hit of that cocoa. then rummaging through the grocery store aisle for new flavors when u need another one <3
today was beautiful and i wasn’t gonna wait around for anybody else so i could seize it!! went for a walk in the park and then to cafe i like to do some work, what did you guys do?
this is how you find love. i used to go out dancing by myself because i felt like i could dance more freely around strangers than my friends - i didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of them. but i’m trying to let that go of that now and allow myself to falter around my friends and let them love me anyway.