michigan-based chocolate company that makes the most fun, artful, and delicious chocolates known to man. every once in a while, my detroit friend will surprise me with these and for a moment my life feels perfect.
I would characterize myself as a good gift giver. I’ve never struck out, and rarely get stumped. But if I really have no idea what to give someone, I get them a box of Louis Sherry Chocolates. The company is a New York original from 1881. Their flagship store was in the now former Hermes store on 62nd and Madison. (Now, they do all their business from somewhere in Florida) The original 12 Piece tins come in a variety of very good colors. The flavors are always the same, my favorite is the Sicilian Orange with the horse on it. I also like them because the tins are as good as the chocolates and you can keep them forever. I met someone who’s family has their grandmother’s beat up one from the 50’s. I also heard that F. Scott Fitzgerald used to keep his pencils in one.
even if shit continues to hit the fan, pretty much everyone ends up exactly where they’re supposed to be. you will find a place to live, a job, a lover, friends, etc. just keep going and it will be ok.