If you're reading this, you are hot and have immaculate taste. Sadly not all can be as lucky as we are. So punch that Instagram/tiktok feed induced body dysmorphia in the face and know that you kinda rock.
I’ve been navigating through my weight loss journey and finally finding the haircut that fits me the best. This new found hotness is scary but I’m embracing it with the little fat kid within me. You should too, let your hot freak flag FLY my fellow hotties on this hot app
Hey babe, just took a peep at your profile and you are like, really hot. Pretty much eff that other person consider the lots of sexy people out there who are actually with the shits… too many hotties in this world. Too many hotties, my dear.
Do I find myself being a reply guy sometimes? Yes.
Does it brings me joy whenever my friends or someone unexpected replied to my stories? Yes.
Would you still reply to their stuff if you genuinely don’t give a shit and they uninterest you but not to the level you mute their content? No.
So why not? We talk down ourselves so often let me lift you up , one “hell yeah” “LFG” at a time
There’s something special and beautiful about documenting the moment your friends shine the most. When they’re pouring their heart and soul making something a reality for them and you’re there to capture every moment around them.