Do I find myself being a reply guy sometimes? Yes. Does it brings me joy whenever my friends or someone unexpected replied to my stories? Yes. Would you still reply to their stuff if you genuinely don’t give a shit and they uninterest you but not to the level you mute their content? No. So why not? We talk down ourselves so often let me lift you up , one “hell yeah” “LFG” at a time
Sep 23, 2024

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Last night at a bar while talking up a band I love I caught myself putting a separate but related band down. On the way home it bothered me that I did that, and it’s still bothering me this morning. I wish I had just focused on the thing I liked and the things I like about it rather than putting down the thing I don’t. It didn’t make my point any clearer and it didn’t make me feel good. We’ve made such a currency out of putting things down, I wonder what would happen if we all spent a week only talking up things we like and left the things we don’t alone. We might sleep just a little better. P.S. the thing I like most about this space is that it’s built to support exactly this type of thinking and sharing.
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Can’t be condescending and judgmental if you aren’t productive and getting shit done. so hop to it little hater
May 23, 2024
A great way to properly ensure you have a robust tofu rotation is one in the freezer and one in the fridge. Stop using the silly method of pressing them to draw the moisture out, when you freeze your firm tofu it forces the water content from the tofu cause you know, they froze. So when you defrost them you will be left with a tofu block that has better texture, better consistency and little internal holes that soaks up sauce perfectly.
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