whenever i start to Feel Real Bad i delete all the social media apps on my phone and i force myself to go outside into nature more, see other people, and read easy/shorter books (that aren’t sad). i journal to get any bad feelings out and to help think through why i’m in a funk. i clean my sheets and try to not be in my bed from 10am-9pm. i paint my nails. i dance in my room. i try to switch up my routine, and also put more effort into my outfits and fun makeup (personally it makes me feel more functional). i don’t have a therapist right now (working on it!) but talking to one usually helps me. i go to people i trust for advice, bc sometimes the funk comes from feeling overwhelmed. i also try to listen to lots of fun music like house music and indie pop. i’m not great at doing all of these things each time but a combination of them usually does the trick for me !