whenever i start to Feel Real Bad i delete all the social media apps on my phone and i force myself to go outside into nature more, see other people, and read easy/shorter books (that arenā€™t sad). i journal to get any bad feelings out and to help think through why iā€™m in a funk. i clean my sheets and try to not be in my bed from 10am-9pm. i paint my nails. i dance in my room. i try to switch up my routine, and also put more effort into my outfits and fun makeup (personally it makes me feel more functional). i donā€™t have a therapist right now (working on it!) but talking to one usually helps me. i go to people i trust for advice, bc sometimes the funk comes from feeling overwhelmed. i also try to listen to lots of fun music like house music and indie pop. iā€™m not great at doing all of these things each time but a combination of them usually does the trick for me !
Jul 5, 2024

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There are a few things I do such as: - Take vitamin D supplements during the gloomier months. My friend has been telling me for years and I finally did it and feel the difference. - Any sliver of sun you see stand in it. Bask in it. We need it. - Check if youā€™re dehydrated with the skin pinch test. If you fail, then get some electrolytes or coconut water in you. - Go on a walk. Any physical activity to get your dopamine back. - Delete all social media apps on my phone. - A new one Iā€™ve been experimenting with is soundbaths. You can either listen to YouTube videos of it or find a local class. Have tried this for the past few months and I feel reset. - And sometimes you just need a good night out at a rave/concert where the music is so loud you donā€™t have to talk to anyone, you can disassociate and let the music drown out whatever is on your mind.
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I like to go for a long walk + look at what flowers are in season. Also anything that keeps my hands busy is goodā€”knitting, cooking, folding laundry. Tidying my space, opening a window, lighting an incense make me feel calm, refreshed + as though I have agency to exercise when the sadness-inducing thing is beyond my control. TV and phone time are typically bad when I am sad; books and music are hit or miss
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