Iโ€™m not like a real musician so I love seeing incredible musicians being their effortlessly amazing selves, singers (sangers) especially. This song has been stuck in my head for the past 7 years.
Dec 28, 2023

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This is normally not my style of music, but the amount of talent and joy in this video is just awesome. The way Susan Tedeschi plays around with total command of her voice, the glances between her and her husband as he takes the guitar for a spin, the backup singers letting it rip, drummer with the toothpick just chilling in the back, sax going crazy, trombone player having the time of their life. They look like a bunch of high school teachers just blowing off steam, having some fun. Tedeschi looks like she could be standing in line at a st*rbucks in the suburbs and here she is belting out these full husky notes. Incredible watch.
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