For as long as I can now remember, my integrity and my relationship to myself have steadily atrophied as a result of endless scrolling. I got a new phone recently and due to a clerical error, I was locked out of instagram. This allowed me to devote my old phone (which I now call my “bad phone”) exclusively to social media access. My pain levels have reduced 800%.
Jan 2, 2024

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I have a love hate relationship with my phone. I have to have two because work and I hate how much these dumb bricks control my attention and my life. I yearn for the days when humans weren't so easily accessible 24:7 and for a time when getting back to someone in 1-2 weeks was perfectly normal and not considered ghosting or flaky. on the reverse side, instant access to culture, memes, movies, music yada yada but still.
Oct 24, 2024
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it’s designed to be additive so don’t blame yourself, it doesn’t help. deleting instagram helped me. sometimes i go on the browser but it’s a less pleasant experience so less addictive. i redownload when i want to post and then delete again. annoying but worth it. my phone is getting old so my battery is going bad. this helps because i’m more inclined to only use my phone when i need it to keep it from dying. resist taking a charger every where you go if your phone is the same. been following this writer/artist/screen time activist (?) and she has some cool thoughts on the matter: https://augustlamm.substack.com/p/you-dont-need-a-smartphone
Jul 25, 2024
Ive wasted so much of my life glued to my phone and although it hasn't been detrimental to my health or social life this addiction is holding me back from doing many things. It's hard to try and stray away from social media because most of the time, when i'm not on my phone I feel like i'm missing out on what's going. The feeling of needing to know trends, memes, and drama becomes draining to my mind. There are so many things which are way more productive and life enriching that I want to do but the ongoing feeling of needing to scroll one more time prevents me from doing these things. I'm aware that this all sounds like a lame excuse but for many this is a big problem. I feel somewhat disgusted with how lazy ive become, and Ive always felt like I never had time to do certain things, but as I look back it's simply because of that damn phone. It's time for me to stop caring about all the stupid shit I scroll past every single day and make a change. Definitely deleting TikTok and only keeping instagram for my friends. So this year and then on, I hope to read more, learn more, write more, and simply enjoy the world, with the hope to reconnect with myself and truly understand who I am as a person. I wish you all the same.
Jan 14, 2025

Top Recs from @kate-berlant

I’ve been trying to just look around the room more in an effort to be on my phone less. Try it! It can be quite psychedelic and is akin to reading and/or prayer.
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For years, I’ve been punctuating my sentences with this word. For example, earlier I said “where is my cocksucking phone?”
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You didn’t hear it from me, you heard it from the Glucose Goddess — some woman on instagram who has devoted her life to saving us from inflammation.
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