1) the french word for 'orgasm' is 'la petite mort' which is a) feminine and b) translates directly to 'a little death'
2) that scene in the adventure time miniseries stakes when princess bubblegum is talking to marceline and cradling her face and says 'i care about you... and when you die, i'm gonna be the one to put you in the ground'
3) cannibalism media and the idea that to consume someone, even in harming them, is the way you express love for them, because that's the way you get to be closest for them
3a) yellowjackets
3b) that song breezeblocks by alt j with that lyric 'please don't go ill eat you whole / please don't go i love you so'
3c) freud's distinction btwn mourning and melancholia - where mourning is where you healthily deal with a loss by realizing that the thing you lost is separate from you, and melancholia is the thing where you cant deal with a loss and internalize the thing that you lost, and in becoming that thing refuse to acknowledge its disappearance
4) crush by richard siken, specifically 'because you want die for love, you always have... you're going to die in your best friend's arms' (richard siken is my hero even though he cyber harassed me over email for two days straight)
5) how phoebe bridgers sings 'im gonna kill you but please don't beat me to it'
5a) how i listened to that song over and over after my ex friend died (ex friend and not friend bc they did some messed up stuff so much that i could have wanted to kill them but they beat me to it)