Winston De La Shite Robert Carl Cohen-Coen Stacy Tutankhamen McQuack Mike Hunt Inez Springfield Lebensborn Barry Dafink Braden Presley Roddenberg
Jan 16, 2024

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Whiskers. Cookie. Gogo. Kit Kat. Catsby (as in Gatsby). Fuzzy (inspired by the evil cat from The Powerpuff Girls). Coco. (not short, but I'd like to see it because I enjoy puns). Franz Catca. Ocatvia Spencer if it's a girl. Meowrice (as in Maurice). Catastrophe. Catbert Einstein. Albert Catstein.
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I am intent on breaking our family curse (my mom has 6 brothers/no sisters I have 3 brothers/no sisters) by having four daughters named: Norah, George, Francis, and Minnow. Like ok call me Marmee March. I know what you’re thinking… aRen’T FranCiS aNd gEorGe bOy naMes? No. They’re daughter names. This plan involves a chihuahua or any other small dog with an off putting vibe named Cabbage and a greyhound named Franklin. There will also be two cats named Handsome + Thursday.  Plan B is to be a spinster in Manhattan which sounds equally appealing. Bonus: my cousin has named her three children after islands in Alaska and her youngest is named Storey Luella (named after Storey Island) which I think is beautiful n magical and she’s the cutest kid ever
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I would probably call my cat Manfredi. The other options would be: Chompski (like Chomsky) Mehmet Cutiper (like Jupiter) Cosmos
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it's like a river flowing in the opposite of the culture. it's very important to participate in the counterculture and participate in public because the culture is a toilet but the counterculture is pure and true. anything can be the counterculture if it's countercultural. i believe the fast casual bowl restaurant to be one of our greatest countercultural institutions today simply for the fact that so many of our countercultural warriors are eating fast casual grain or salad bowls in order to fuel up for their day jobs.
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