I am intent on breaking our family curse (my mom has 6 brothers/no sisters I have 3 brothers/no sisters) by having four daughters named: Norah, George, Francis, and Minnow. Like ok call me Marmee March. I know what you’re thinking… aRen’T FranCiS aNd gEorGe bOy naMes? No. They’re daughter names. This plan involves a chihuahua or any other small dog with an off putting vibe named Cabbage and a greyhound named Franklin. There will also be two cats named Handsome + Thursday.
Plan B is to be a spinster in Manhattan which sounds equally appealing.
Bonus: my cousin has named her three children after islands in Alaska and her youngest is named Storey Luella (named after Storey Island) which I think is beautiful n magical and she’s the cutest kid ever