Put it on a watermelon slice. Put it on yoghurt. Put it in your mouth straight. Yum.
Has to be Lebanese.
Did you know a tablespoon of raw tahini contains more calcium than a full glass of milk??? so good.
Always keep tahini in the fridge! It's so good obviously for hummus, diluted with lemon juice, salad dressings, hot pot dips, mixed with spicy chili crisp, cookies, everything.
watching this show I learned something about catching fish, putting it in your pants and then releasing it. Brilliant show. Or so I thought when I was 15. I do not have the time to reassess this, you can either trust my teenage self or not!!
My fav podcast on warfare and conflict journalism. Also a healthy sprinkle of fringe satanic cults / teяяorism reporting.
If you identify either as a co-intel hoe or as Fyodor Dostoyevsky you’ll def enjoy the level of detail.
Also, for only $30 a month I get to hear Jake Hanrahan say my name at the end of each episode. A terrific deal
Ok raw oats cooked in milk. but when you're done… add tangerines. My mom would hide cold tangerine slices underneath the porridge \+ so much fun to look for them. perfect taste combination