Ok raw oats cooked in milk. but when you're done… add tangerines. My mom would hide cold tangerine slices underneath the porridge \+ so much fun to look for them. perfect taste combination
If you like going to the movies and have a selection of AMCs near you it’s an unbelievably good deal. Even at my most destitute I have refused to cancel this membership because it’s basically a free activity anytime and a fun little date with myself. 3 movies a week for $25/month??? I will never shut up about this.
i live laugh love going to the movies, and having my regal unlimited membership makes it sooooo much more financially feasible! plus i love rewatching movies and being able to see an unlimited amount of movies for a flat rate a month is so unbelievably worth it to me. if i had an amc near me i would be an amc a-lister for sureeee! we gotta keep movie theaters alive it's like one of my favorite places <3
watching this show I learned something about catching fish, putting it in your pants and then releasing it. Brilliant show. Or so I thought when I was 15. I do not have the time to reassess this, you can either trust my teenage self or not!!
Put it on a watermelon slice. Put it on yoghurt. Put it in your mouth straight. Yum.
Has to be Lebanese.
Did you know a tablespoon of raw tahini contains more calcium than a full glass of milk??? so good.
My fav podcast on warfare and conflict journalism. Also a healthy sprinkle of fringe satanic cults / teяяorism reporting.
If you identify either as a co-intel hoe or as Fyodor Dostoyevsky you’ll def enjoy the level of detail.
Also, for only $30 a month I get to hear Jake Hanrahan say my name at the end of each episode. A terrific deal