There's something delightfully synthetic and somewhat c**** about cherry coke. I used to be a hater and don't get me wrong I still am, just not about this. For the Diet Cokeheads out there it's kind of a fun change.
Jan 19, 2024

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Why would you drink something else? (Besides water – water is ok, too.)
Aug 24, 2021
At my job we have free drinks in our fridge. Those drinks include: coke, diet coke, and various la croix flavors. I myself do occasionally enjoy a diet coke and even a full sugar coke. After a long day of sipping various colas of the coke variety, I can happily say that nothing beats coke zero. Coming home and cracking open a can of that peppery, metallic cola is delightful. It makes me feel whole again. Something coke and diet coke cannot achieve.
Jan 29, 2024
For a long time I fell for the Diet Coke lobby propaganda but Coke Zero is far better. A mini can is such a nice treat with lunch or dinner.
Feb 7, 2024

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I just feel sorta bad ”ohio” has turned into derogatory internet slang term. dont get me wrong, there are definitely things wrong here but like, also cool/right things? ugh trust me i swear
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