At my job we have free drinks in our fridge. Those drinks include: coke, diet coke, and various la croix flavors. I myself do occasionally enjoy a diet coke and even a full sugar coke. After a long day of sipping various colas of the coke variety, I can happily say that nothing beats coke zero. Coming home and cracking open a can of that peppery, metallic cola is delightful. It makes me feel whole again. Something coke and diet coke cannot achieve.
Jan 29, 2024

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For a long time I fell for the Diet Coke lobby propaganda but Coke Zero is far better. A mini can is such a nice treat with lunch or dinner.
Feb 7, 2024
There's something delightfully synthetic and somewhat c**** about cherry coke. I used to be a hater and don't get me wrong I still am, just not about this. For the Diet Cokeheads out there it's kind of a fun change.
Jan 19, 2024

Top Recs from @C

If you like something heavily woody, hinoki by CDG is beautiful and is very much just a solid wood scent. Floriental is a sweeter woody scent if you’re open to sweet. Dior poisonous is warm and sweet sort of in a rootbeer gourmand way, but has rosewood, musk, and sandalwood. Smell that one first if you can just in case. Fleur De Peau and La Papier by Diptyque as well as Studied by Liis are all very similar to Glossier You if you like those paper-y skin like scents. I’d say Liis is a more intense twin of You but they’re all similar. I haven’t smelled Piano Santal by L’Orchestre Parfum but I’d look into the notes. They may intrigue you. I plan on sampling soon. If you ever want a beautifully warm and cozy gourmand, check out Winter of 99 by Kerosene. Smells like nutmeg and has a bit of wood and vanilla. Cozy and warm but imo, not nauseatingly sweet like many gourmands.
Jan 10, 2024
Using your lungs for good and bad. Cancelling out the smoke with cardio. The bliss of a cigarette while walking through a big city in the fairly cold weather is an experience I can only describe as joyous and freeing.
Jan 30, 2024