big bowl of white rice + 3-5 scrambled eggs on top like congee but for ppl w no patience
Jan 19, 2024

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what if i told you there was an alt way to eat your morning oats? last week, i tried gyrean bap, (shout out doobydobap on youtube for putting me on, watch from 1.19 for the recipe) a korean breakfast dish consisting of rice, soy sauce with spring onions and a crispy fried egg. it was bomb. but the next day, i was all out of rice (i live in an African household) and cba to boil more. what i did have was a bag of jumbo oats (another rec, jumbo oats are thicker oat flakes, with more texture and keeps you fuller for longer) so i put those to the boil with some water, threw in some shimeji mushrooms for a bit of bite and earthiness, stirred in some sesame oil and crowned my morning bowl of oats with a boiled egg (African household cc: Ghanaian), my leftover gyrean bap sauce and some toasted sesame seeds. SO yummers. a dish i would say this is close to is congee - a chinese savoury porridge made by overcooking rice until it softens (which i've yet to try but please know that when i do, you'll get my hot take)
Sep 23, 2024
any sort or rice porridge- whether plain congee which is just rice cooked in water or arroz caldo, rice porridge with chicken (so kinda like a cross between porridge and chicken soup)
Dec 1, 2024
don’t let the cooking time scare you— it’s one of the easiest dishes to make!! it’s basically a set it and forget it kind of meal, and you can make it as simple or as creative as you’d like. if you’re feeling a little crazy throw in soft boiled egg or tofu for extra protein. it‘s the ultimate fridge clean out dish and it’s a perfect warm weather meal

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i put a moratorium on international travel for myself last year and it has frankly made me a patriot u can see the badlands of South Dakota, the oldest exposed rock in the world (1.8 billion y.o) at the Grand Canyon, ancient pueblos in New Mexico, the pristine boundary waters of Minnesota —all accessible without a passport—what a privilege, what a gift “O beautiful for spacious skies / for amber waves of grain / for purple mountain majesties / above the fruited plain” they were not kidding
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ppl get soooooo mad it’s very fun
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