what if i told you there was an alt way to eat your morning oats? last week, i tried gyrean bap, (shout out doobydobap on youtube for putting me on, watch from 1.19 for the recipe) a korean breakfast dish consisting of rice, soy sauce with spring onions and a crispy fried egg. it was bomb. but the next day, i was all out of rice (i live in an African household) and cba to boil more. what i did have was a bag of jumbo oats (another rec, jumbo oats are thicker oat flakes, with more texture and keeps you fuller for longer) so i put those to the boil with some water, threw in some shimeji mushrooms for a bit of bite and earthiness, stirred in some sesame oil and crowned my morning bowl of oats with a boiled egg (African household cc: Ghanaian), my leftover gyrean bap sauce and some toasted sesame seeds. SO yummers. a dish i would say this is close to is congee - a chinese savoury porridge made by overcooking rice until it softens (which i've yet to try but please know that when i do, you'll get my hot take)
Sep 23, 2024

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