I can eat them thangs like apples, and more people should!!! Crisp juicy and refreshing. Don’t even get me started on sautéing them!
Worst: Celery 🤮 It tastes of absolutely nothing and has a texture like someone soaked cardboard in water then stuck it in the freezer till the moment right before solidification. Plus those long strings that peel off just get in the way - no one wants to eat that!
Blanch them then shock in cold water if you wanna preserve the color. then lightly fry in some garlic (maybe a little ginger if you want). salt to taste
this works so well it’s wild.
this was what transformed me into a jersey girl. I posted this on instagram because I was feeling so fuckin alive. down the shore bitch!!!
dedicated to rurubitpics
one time me and my friend were so hungover and thirsty we played fuck marry kill with the blueberry emoji, the picture of juicy cherries on the side of the fresh direct truck, and nothing because nothing else compared to the first 2
one time a yoga teacher told me it was good for ur nervous system to look around a room when you first get in there so now at the beginning of yoga class i do a few "seated spinal twists" where im really just getting the lay of the land