I went to ScentBar yesterday and told them I wanted to smell spooky and smoky and the person behind the counter suggested a perfume called Unum. “It’s made by this Italian man who makes clothes for the pope.” Dead correct recco
Jan 22, 2024

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I worked with a woman last year who smelled rich, old money rich. Like incense, reminding me of funerals in Catholic Churches. She left her smell in each room she exited. For Christmas I received a lot of perfume, I plan to stink out each room I enter and exit.
Jan 8, 2025
Obsessed with perfume. For a while I was searching for a signature scent, but then the hunt just became too much fun, and now I’ve ended up with a full on vanity tray in my bathroom piled with a different smell for every mood. I used to wear only China Rain, a rollerball scent my mom got me in high school from a perfumery in LA called Spiritbody. I still have a bottle of that, but when I wear it I’m transported to a more insecure time lol. Right now I love Shadow in the Water from Diptyque for when I want to smell clean and romantic. I wear Smudge by Heretic almost every day because it’s colder out and it makes me feel so warm and cozy, like i’ve been sitting by a fire all day, and like I give good advice and paint landscapes. Perfume is definitely a splurge, but it lasts for so long, and I think it’s really special to have a beautiful scent that people can recognize you by. I am going to gatekeep my secret combination of Byredo perfumes that I wear constantly, and I’m sorry about that. It’s just too good and too me.
Dec 20, 2022
I’m super smell sensitive.  Ive worn the same fragrance for almost 20 years.  Santa Maria novellas patchouli.  Just recently a friend, Todd nickey of nickey kehoe sent me some of what hes been working one.  They were both great but his brand Bernards cleome parfum ol bijou was so good.  So now i put that on first and the patchouli on top.  I love the mix.
Jun 13, 2024

Top Recs from @lilbauhaus

Beans, some cocoa, a couple of cardamom pods, a piece of cinnamon stick. Maybe some chili flakes. Dried sage? Whatever. Throw it in your coffee grinder (get a coffee grinder.) you’ll feel like youre on a little exotic vacation to a place where the coffee is good
Jan 22, 2024
It’s not a shoppy shop! It’s really nice to go buy a single lemon and chat a little and ask if they mind making you a baguette specially even though it’s not their bread day yet. Is this what the old days were like?
Feb 28, 2024
Maybe the best documentary I’ve seen in the last decade? Estonian women sit in a sauna and discuss what the World does to women’s bodies. Go watch it and then schvitz with your own coven.
Feb 27, 2024