slice and cook like 6 onions and use it throughout the week for a myriad of cooking applications. adding it to a soft scramble with goat cheese is my favorite of those use cases
put them on everything. the trick is to make a huuuuge batch like once a month and freeze most of it but keep the rest in the fridge and then put it on everything. a mandolin helps cut everything rly fine and if youre good with it you can shred thru like 4 onions in ten minutes or less. just don't cut urself. then put them in a dutch oven or heavy bottomed pot with more butter than u think you need at low heat and let them figure themselves out. salt n pepper. if u want extra savory add some thyme. it's so worth it even if it takes like 45 minutes
I’ve been hearing a lot lately about how the real deal watch heads don’t bother setting their watch to the right time. I think that’s lame af. when my watch isn’t set correctly I feel spiritually out of whack. plus, if a hottie asks you for the time, looking at your wrist is WAY more silky smooth than busting out your iphone with a lockscreen picture from your 2014 summer vacation on it. set that shit!
don’t go overboard with it, but let me tell you, “howdy” can loosen up just about any stiff conversation. and some people might think you’re a cowboy (cowboys are cool)
I learned this game when I was in lisbon a few years back (thanks, globalization). it's played with a normal deck of cards. it's very easy to learn. you can play it with 3 or 4 people. It gets very competitive because it's quite strategic for a simple game. one of, if not the best card-shedding games in existence.